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     For Pre-K & Elementary 1st to 6th grade students, the focus is on listening and speaking comprehension.

  1. Students can sing along with the DVD animations. (score: B or B-)
  2. Students can sing along with the lyrics or read aloud from the handbook text. (score: B+)
  3. Students can sing and follow the lyrics with the corresponding physical action. (score: A-)
  4. Students are able to role-play with the teacher using vocabulary and sentence structures found in the song. Student can also form questions and answers. (score: A)

                a. Teacher: Where are your eyes?
                b. Student: (points to eyes) My eyes are right here.
                Teacher and student can reverse roles as well.

  1. Along with all the previous skills, students also have the knowledge to apply new vocabulary to various sentence patterns newly learned and learned before. (score: A+)


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