Responsive image

Learn Language Through Music, Story, Picture, Game and Animation

Beginner 3, A and B:

A. What is Beginner 3?

This level is focused on listening and speaking only.

It is animation DVD, Audio, and Songbook.

B. Who is the suitable person?

It is the one who wants to learn more basic words and sentences.

C. What can you learn?

You will learn more basic words and sentences.

(If you are 100% completely done with the entire Beginner 2-1 to 2-3, you might be able to skip this level.)

Code Product Description Format
CH301 Beginner 3A-1 Songbook 15 songs with animation. Book, DVD, CD
CH303 Beginner 3B-1 Songbook 15 songs with animation. Book, DVD, CD


Code Product Description Format
CH302 Beginner 3A-2 Lesson Plan Lesson plan for teacher. PDF
CH304 Beginner 3B-2 Lesson Plan Lesson plan for teacher. PDF
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